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Islamiat MCQs By Imtiaz Shahid CSS PMS PPSC PDF Download


Islamiat MCQs By Imtiaz Shahid CSS PMS PPSC PDF Download

*Overview of *Islamiat MCQs by Imtiaz Shahid for CSS, PMS, PPSC PDF Download**

The *Islamiat MCQs by Imtiaz Shahid* is a comprehensive guide specifically designed for students preparing for competitive exams such as *CSS (Central Superior Services)*, *PMS (Provincial Management Services)*, and *PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission)*. This book is a valuable resource for mastering the *Islamiat (Islamic Studies)* section, which is a compulsory subject in these exams.

*Imtiaz Shahid's Islamiat MCQs* provides a collection of *multiple-choice questions (MCQs)* that cover all key topics in *Islamic Studies*, allowing students to practice and test their knowledge in preparation for the exams. The book focuses on the core concepts and essential topics of Islamiat, ensuring that candidates are well-prepared for the objective type questions that often appear in *CSS*, *PMS*, and *PPSC* exams.

*Content Overview:*

The *Islamiat MCQs by Imtiaz Shahid* includes a wide range of questions that cover important areas of *Islamic Studies*, such as:

1. *Basic Concepts of Islam*:
   - *Beliefs in Islam*: Faith in Allah, the Prophets, the Books, the Day of Judgment, and Angels.
   - *Islamic Creed (Aqeedah)*: Understanding Tawheed, Risalah, and other fundamental beliefs.
- *Principles of Islamic Law*: Shariah, Fiqh, and Ijtihad.
   - *Islamic Worldview*: The relationship between Islam and the universe, society, and individual.

2. *History of Islam*:
   - *Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)*: Key events in the life of the Prophet, including his birth, early life, prophethood, migration (Hijrah), and the battles.
   - *Rightly Guided Caliphs (Rashidun Caliphate)*: Key events during the reigns of *Abu Bakr*, *Umar*, *Uthman*, and *Ali*.
   - *Islamic Dynasties*: The Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, Mughals, and Ottomans.
   - *Important Islamic Battles*: Battle of Badr, Uhud, and Khandaq, among others.
   - *Islamic Expansion*: Spread of Islam across Asia, Africa, and Europe.

3. *Islamic Teachings and Practices*:
   - *The Five Pillars of Islam*: Shahada (Faith), Salah (Prayer), Zakat (Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (Pilgrimage).
   - *Islamic Ethics and Morality*: Principles of honesty, justice, charity, and compassion.
   - *Islamic Festivals*: Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, and other significant days in Islam.
   - *Islamic Law (Shariah)*: Sources of Islamic law, including the Quran, Sunnah, Ijma, and Qiyas.

4. *Islamic Political System*:
- *Concept of Islamic Governance*: The role of leadership in Islam, the concept of *Khilafah*, and the significance of justice in governance.
   - *Islamic State and Social Justice*: The principles of equality, justice, and welfare in the Islamic state.
   - *Constitution of Medina*: The first constitution in the history of Islam, established by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
   - *Modern Islamic Movements*: Key movements and figures in the modern Islamic world.

5. *Islamic Civilization and Contributions*:
   - *Golden Age of Islam*: Scientific, philosophical, and cultural advancements made during the Islamic Golden Age, particularly in fields such as astronomy, medicine, mathematics, and philosophy.
   - *Islamic Architecture and Art*: Important landmarks such as the *Alhambra*, *Dome of the Rock*, and other significant Islamic architectural structures.
   - *Islamic Contributions to Knowledge*: Contributions of scholars like *Al-Khwarizmi*, *Ibn Sina*, *Ibn Khaldun*, and *Al-Razi*.

6. *Quran and Hadith*:
   - *Quranic Studies*: The Quran, its compilation, key themes, and verses.
   - *Hadith Literature*: The role of Hadith in Islamic jurisprudence and its importance in guiding Muslim life.

7. *Contemporary Issues in Islam*:
- *Islam in the Modern World*: The role of Islam in the 21st century, including issues like *Islamophobia*, *terrorism*, and *the role of women in Islam*.
   - *Islam and Science*: The relationship between Islam and scientific advancements.
   - *Interfaith Dialogue*: Islamic perspectives on relations with other religions.

*Key Features of the Book*:

- *Comprehensive MCQs*: The book contains a wide range of MCQs, covering all important topics in Islamiat that are relevant for *CSS*, *PMS*, and *PPSC* exams.
- *Exam-Oriented*: The questions are designed to reflect the types of multiple-choice questions commonly asked in competitive exams, helping students become familiar with the exam format.

- *Clear and Precise Answers*: Each question is followed by a clear and concise answer, helping students understand the correct response and reinforcing their learning.

- *Organized by Topics*: The MCQs are organized by themes, making it easy for students to focus on specific topics and systematically prepare for the exam.

- *Updated Content*: The book includes updated questions based on the latest syllabi for *CSS*, *PMS*, and *PPSC*, ensuring that students have access to the most relevant material for their preparation.
- *Useful for All Competitive Exams*: In addition to *CSS* and *PMS*, the book is useful for candidates preparing for other competitive exams like *NTS*, *PPSC*, and *FPSC*.

*Why You Should Download This Book*:

1. *Comprehensive Coverage*: It covers all major topics in Islamiat, making it a one-stop resource for exam preparation.
2. *Ideal for Competitive Exams*: The MCQs are specifically tailored to help students excel in *CSS*, *PMS*, and *PPSC* exams.

3. *Study at Your Own Pace*: The book allows students to practice MCQs and test their knowledge at their own pace, reinforcing key concepts.

4. *Updated and Relevant*: The MCQs are up-to-date and relevant to the latest exam syllabi, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the exams.

5. *Free PDF Download*: The book is available for *free PDF download*, making it an accessible and affordable resource for all students.

The *Islamiat MCQs by Imtiaz Shahid* is an invaluable resource for students preparing for *CSS*, *PMS*, and *PPSC* exams. With its comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions, clear answers, and well-organized structure, this book offers a focused approach to mastering the Islamiat subject. It is a must-have for anyone looking to succeed in competitive exams and build a solid foundation in Islamic studies.

*Download the Free PDF Now* and begin your preparation for *CSS*, *PMS*, and *PPSC* exams with this essential Islamiat MCQs guide.

This book will help you ace the *Islamiat* section of your *CSS*, *PMS*, or *PPSC* exams, providing you with the knowledge and practice needed to succeed.


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