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To The Point Current Affairs By Waseem Riaz Khan JWT


To The Point Current Affairs By Waseem Riaz Khan JWT

To The Point Current Affairs By Waseem Riaz Khan JWT

Current Events That Are Straight To The Point Waseem Riaz Khan contributed to this article. JWT. As far as prospective CSS and Current Affairs candidates are concerned, the new CSS exam syllabus appears to be difficult for them. This edition is the result of the author's extensive research and study. Pakistan's domestic affairs are covered in this book, including political, economic, and social issues. Enough information about Pakistan's external affairs has been supplied, covering Pakistan's relations with its neighbours, the Muslim world, and regional and international organizations.

Furthermore, worldwide topics such as human rights, global warming, population, terrorism, energy politics, and much more are covered in this Current Affairs. In short, the entire CSS course has been covered in this updated edition, more or less. The writer use clear and easy-to-understand language, as well as maps and tables, to help the reader grasp current events. In fact, candidates taking various competitive exams will find this book to be extremely helpful and useful.

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